The Importance of Effective Storytelling with Brianne Garrett

In this episode of PR 360, Brett Deister and Brianne Garrett discuss storytelling and how it can communicate with customers and employees. Garrett shares her experience as a journalist and editor, and offers tips on how to craft effective stories. In the conversation, the speaker discusses the importance of telling stories with intention. They note that stories which align with the goals of the journalist and are authentic in portrayal are more likely to be successful. They also emphasize the importance of transparency in both journalism and PR. The conversation discusses the importance of multicultural storytelling in PR, and how it can connect with underrepresented communities. It also touches on the importance of being data driven when creating campaigns, and how to prioritize different goals when creating multiple campaigns.

Salt Sound Marketing

Salt Sound connects people to products + services through a holistic approach to brand marketing. We develop, design and execute in digital and experiential channels.

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